1. 国际颁奖典礼晚宴-得奖企业贵宾席 (2 席)
2. 颁奖典礼晚宴-嘉宾席 (10 席)
3. 国家领导颁授奖座
4. 国家领导颁授奖状
5. 获得与颁奖贵宾(国家领导)单独合照之大照片(11R)
6. 获赠荣誉肩带
7. 获赠颁奖典礼专业摄影相片收录在谷歌云盘
8. 得奖企业专获专属制作的布条,颁奖典礼大会上现场展示
9. 得奖企业现场录影视频专访,发布于优管视频网站
10. 得奖企业录影视频及大会视频将发布于世界知名网络视频网站及大会官方网站
11. 获授权使用大奖 标志
12. 典礼当天,之前及之后的新闻、广告宣传及报导于主要报章、杂志及互联网
13. 获得企业或企业领导人之企业标志,将永久发布于大奖官方网站
14. 大奖贴纸
15.品牌故事收录于《亚太国际诚信-记录大全》史册-英文精装本 (2页)
16. 获赠《亚太国际诚信-记录大全》史册-英文精装本(发行全亚太区)(20本)
17. 获亚太区最有影响力的企业品牌杂志-商天下财经杂志图文并茂会后报导 (内页)
18. 获亚太区最有影响力的企业品牌杂志-商天下财经杂志专访报导(6版)
19. 获赠当期之商天下财经杂志 (10本)
20. 特别制作专访录影视频发布于商天下官方面子书
21. 受邀出席亚太会于海内外所举办的亚太杰出总裁峰会论坛 (每年多次)
22. 受邀出席亚太会于海内外所举办的亚太杰出总裁商务考察团(每年多次)
23. 安排会见商界领袖及行业优秀企业家
24. 安排会见政府领导
25. 委聘为亚太杰出品牌国际委员会(亚太会)国际理事(2年)
– 通过亚太会各国秘书处或战略合作单位办事处广泛宣传,参加海内外企业家论坛,有
26. 使用亚太会总部大厦、行政资源及设施,贸易洽谈、海外招商及公司注册
27. 优先租用亚太会总部大厦海外产品展示区
28. 安排于公司或活动上由亚太会颁授奖杯及奖状
29. 推荐提名2002年创办,《亚太商界诺贝尔记录大全》
30. 推荐提名2002年创办,涵盖亚太,备受推崇的《亚太杰出品牌国际记录大全》
31. 协助品牌东盟-中国授权, 对接项目,产品托管
32. 海外联系协调-国际咨询
In a competitive and morally imperfect world, business people are often faced with serious ethical challenges. It is all too easy to compromise our principles to get that first deal or to make that lucrative sale, but in the end, those decisions can destroy our business.
The chinese saying, “one cannot be successful without credibility.” sums up the crucial importance of having proper values when striving to achieve growth and success. This is especially pertinent to new entrepreneurs whose foremost goal is for thier business to survive. Although laws and customs vary from country to country and standards of ethics may vary in different business environments, the fundamental principles of honesty and intergrity serve as time-tested standards.
Typically, the incentive to maintain ethical behavior within a company comes down from the top. When CEOs and entrepreneurs are committed to honesty in all their dealings with their customers and business partners, this culture will permeate their organisation as employees adopt the ethics and values of their leaders. The practice of strong business ethics is the ultimate win-win for everyone.
I would like to congratulate the organisers and all those involved for their initiative and perseverance in organising “The 7th Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise – Keris Award 2008”. I see this coveted award as an opportunity to reinforce the importance of adopting and maintaining ethical practices in business.
On the occasion of the Keris Award Presentation Ceremony, I congratulate this year’s recipients and hope that their strong business ethics will be emulated by others.
I would like to commend the hard works and contribution of the organising committee for hosting this prestigious world-class event successfully for thirteen consecutive years.
In a competitive and morally imperfect business world, we are often faced with serious ethical challenges. It is all too easy to compromised our principles to get that first deal or to make that lucrative sale. Many people are honest only to the point where there is the possibility of being caught and when sanctions are applied without fear or favor. However, dishonesty destroys your business. Any gains and benefits you get from being dishonest is only temporary. When the truth gets in the open, you will lose a lot.
World-renowned international corporates are carefully and diligently managing their credibility in order to win the consumers’ hearts and loyalty, and eventually build up international status. That’s why, the number one corporates compete by branding, and the number one brands compete by credibility. Good branding and winning public praise, are the key elements of today’s corporates’ success and trustworthiness.
Now in its 13 years since its inception in 2002, I sincerely hope that this awards-”The Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise-Keris Award” continues to play a role to stimulate and encourage honest operations, and to set a honesty model for our society; continue serve as a platform to honour the achievements of Asia Pacific’s honesty enterprises, expand its influence, invite more nomination, and help to instil the believe that honesty is always the best policy.
Thank you.