In a competitive and morally imperfect world, business people are often faced with serious ethical challenges. It is all too easy to compromise our principles to get that first deal or to make that lucrative sale, but in the end, those decisions can destroy our business.
The chinese saying, “one cannot be successful without credibility.” sums up the crucial importance of having proper values when striving to achieve growth and success. This is especially pertinent to new entrepreneurs whose foremost goal is for thier business to survive. Although laws and customs vary from country to country and standards of ethics may vary in different business environments, the fundamental principles of honesty and intergrity serve as time-tested standards.
Typically, the incentive to maintain ethical behavior within a company comes down from the top. When CEOs and entrepreneurs are committed to honesty in all their dealings with their customers and business partners, this culture will permeate their organisation as employees adopt the ethics and values of their leaders. The practice of strong business ethics is the ultimate win-win for everyone.
I would like to congratulate the organisers and all those involved for their initiative and perseverance in organising “The 7th Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise – Keris Award 2008”. I see this coveted award as an opportunity to reinforce the importance of adopting and maintaining ethical practices in business.
On the occasion of the Keris Award Presentation Ceremony, I congratulate this year’s recipients and hope that their strong business ethics will be emulated by others.